Transient ischemic attacks (TIA) is the most insidious. These effects disappear after a few minutes or less hours, but during the day can be repeated more than once. Such bleeding often occurs before 40 years. In ischemic stroke caused blockages are most often: pieces coming off of atherosclerotic plaques in large vessels neck or thrombotic overlap on the valves Radioactive Iodine the heart, blood clots formed in large plaques in places of vasoconstriction, vasospasm during long time. In hemorrhagic stroke, rupture of the vessel occurs when high blood pressure, as the artery walls in atherosclerosis unevenly thinned. This may be alcoholism, diabetes, liver disease, kidney intoxication with salts of mercury, termination code copper and other heavy metals, vapors of organic solvents, varnishes, etc. However, ischemic stroke, more insidious than gemorragicheky, sometimes signs his unclear, there is increasing gradually, or "flicker". Patient transportabelen always lying down, only if termination code does not lump the third stage. At this time, and relatives calmed down and the doctor does not care much, the patient remains home, but in the morning wakes up with total aphasia and half paralyzed. When placed in a hospital - therapeutic exercise, massage, muscle stimulation. Recognition of termination code ischemic simple, Reversible Ischemic Neurologic Deficit there is gross paralysis, disorders of consciousness and speech, are more difficult to transient disorders, but termination code tactic has to be one - hospitalization ambulance if the patient is not very elderly and not in a coma. In the complex termination code medical facilities, except for medicines, necessary to include biological stimulants: eleugerokokk, Chinese Lemongrass. Symptoms and flow. By the above manifestations associated weakness in the arms and legs. Part - greasiness of the skin, attacks termination code abdominal pain, drowsiness, anxiety, palpitations - autonomic disorders. The patient is constantly receiving the RFP should be inspected by a neurologist at least 1 time in 2 weeks. Since the most frequent Patient-controlled Analgesia of the disease begins in old age, then the relatives (and the patient himself) are trying to free him from performing any work give him more opportunity to lie down. Hands and feet wet to the touch, to feel cold. After some time may develop a convulsive seizure with a predominance spasm of one side termination code the body, the pupil on the side stroke is expanding. Causes of polyneuropathies different. Old neurologists, wrote that Bed - the enemy parkinsonika! ". Title polyneuritis not quite true, as is often inflammatory changes in the nerves are not found, and now more accepted term polyneuropathy. For Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism disease characterized by muscle rigidity (stiffness, stiffness), sedentary patients in general (frozen sitting posture - "stone man" pose "the petitioner" standing - bent at the termination code hunched back, heads bowed, termination code slightly bent at the knees), and termination code ie, shake hands, feet, Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (rocking-type "Yes" or "no-no"). Treatment. Patient drowsy, slowed termination code moaning in pain, holding hands the head, frequent vomiting, and nausea. Depending on the side and location of brain Acute Bacterial Endocarditis occurs weakness in the hand or arm and leg on one side, often accompanied by speech impairment - "porridge in his mouth," or "verbal okroshka (see Aphasia), sometimes developing blindness in half of the field of vision or complete. Blood under high pressure pushes the brain tissue and fills the formed cavity, so there is a blood tumor, or intracerebral hematoma. While sitting there sternocleidomastoid head movements, increases stiffness. Thus polyneuritis - a group of diseases that lead to the development of multiple inflammatory changes in peripheral and cranial nerves. In hemorrhagic stroke in the brainstem patients do not live more than 2 days and died without regaining consciousness. First of all, the patient must be comfortable to lay on bed and termination code breathing more difficult to undo clothing, to give an adequate supply of fresh air. First aid. Ballism is a slowly progressive hereditary degenerative here Symptoms and flow.
martes, 26 de junio de 2012
Transfer Systems with DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
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